Santa Clarita Valley Journal | 2056 Organizational Awards: Valencia (57.05)

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Santa Clarita Valley Journal | 2056 Organizational Awards: Valencia (57.05)

Post by mragland » Sun Jan 21, 2024 9:43 pm

Santa Clarita Valley Journal
Vicente Lamb, Stars Reporter
November 19, 2056

VALENCIA – As the Stars' 83-79 record might suggest, the team had several good, but not great, performances in 2056. There were five players with 3+ WAR on the Valencia club. Here, we recognize one player who has become a fan favorite and face of the franchise in recent years, and another player who has formerly occupied that position, but may well have played his last game for the Stars.

Position Player of the Year: Center Fielder, Habib bin Ameen
Acquired: Scouting Discovery, April 4, 2044
Born: ad-Diwaniyah, Iraq
.222/.298/.390, .688 OPS, 89 wRC+, 3.7 WAR
Signature Moment: Hit a lead off home run against the Madison Wolves on August 3.

Bin Ameen won his second Gold Glove five days ago. So good was his fielding that he had a 3.4 WAR despite his fairly woeful hitting. This is what keeps him in the lineup. This is why Habi, as he is referred to by teammates and fans alike, received a 6-year contract extension in September, which will take him through his age 33 season. Habi's telegenic and thrilling feats of athletic prowess in Valencia's outfield, and his winning personality, have made him a favorite of Stars fans, yet he has not quite broken through with a star-level performance.

Pitcher of the Year: Ken Arroyo
Acquired: 2046 Draft, 3rd Pick in Round 1
Born: Arkansas City, Kansas
3.55 ERA, 83 K, 40 BB, 185 HA, 17 HRA, 187.2 IP, 95 FIP-, 2.9 WAR
Signature Moment: The defining moment of 2056 for Arroyo came off the field on November 8, when he declined his team option and became a free agent.

It was a yeoman's performance for Arroyo in 2056. He has largely lost his ability to strike batters out, but has not lost the ability to get them out. The five-time all-star relied on a stout defense behind him, and got good results. All of this went on while an apparent clash of personalities roiled beneath the surface. It was only recently that those of us outside the club got any explanation for why the still-beloved Plainsman decided to leave the only club he had played for over the course of nine seasons. Ken and manager Juan Carlos Gonzáles did not, we have since learned, get along, and Arroyo flat out refused to play for a Gonzáles-managed team for one more season. Why they got along so poorly, we still don't know. Neither of the principles have spoken about the matter publicly.
Morris Ragland
President, Baseball Ops, Beirut Cedars (8/25/46 - 10/23/47)
President, Baseball Ops, Valencia Stars (10/24/2047 - 11/06/2058)
1005-974 Lifetime Record
2048 Caleca Winner

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." - W. Churchill

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