The 2042 Montreal Blazers

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The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by CTBrewCrew » Sat Mar 28, 2020 10:45 pm

2042 Montréal Blazers Équipe De Prévisualisation

Finition à 83-79 loin d'une place en wild card Johnson de la ligue en 2042 que les Blazers ont à faire pour compléter avec les goûts de l'éternelle puissances telles que Rockville ou la Nouvelle-Orléans? Ajoutez à cela 4 équipes de la Frontière gagné plus de 90 matchs la saison dernière et 2043 semble être une bataille colline.

Tout n'est pas de morosité que les Blazers n'ont progressé de 15 jeux à partir de 2040, et 22 jeux de leur 2039 équipe. Les choses sont certainement les tendances dans la bonne direction pour les Blazers de se diriger dans la 2042 saison.

Pour démarrer l'intersaison, l'équipe a annoncé qu'il allait encore une fois se briser au sol sur un nouveau stade pour remplacer Le Palais. Les choses semblaient claires pour et que ce qu'ils pensaient tous les permis retiré et le financement alloué, mais à la 11e heure, les choses semblaient au point mort pour le moment. Je suis sûr qu'il y aura plus à venir sur ce. Voici en espérant que cela va à travers l'architecture des rendus avait l'air fantastique.

Avec les Blazers en finale 27 n'est pas défini, ce les journalistes point de vue est prise à partir de l'extérieur. Pour commencer, il me semblait que les Blazers besoin de faire un peu de hors-saison améliorations obtenir un autre 5 à 7 victoires en 2041 total, afin d'avoir une chance d'obtenir une wild card dans la Johnson en 2042. Jetons un coup d'oeil à leur intersaison. Peut-être l'un des grands noms de la SP à court terme face.

Les Joueurs Ajoutés:
  • Agent libre de signer - RP – Mario Pineda - The 28yo signé un 3-ans avec une moyenne d'environ 1.5M de la saison, il n'y avait pas beaucoup de risque dans cette signature. Il avait un 2041 GUERRE de 0,1, et apporte avec lui une fragile blessure de notation. Pas un engagement énorme pour un joueur venant de une déchirure du bourrelet en 2041, et de ne pas le déplacer, je me serais attendu.
Les Joueurs Perdus:
  • Règle 5 - RP – Wang fen Law
  • L'Agence libre - 2B – Claudio Defazio
  • L'Agence libre - RP – Jason Morris
  • Retired - SP – Jose Trujillo
Comparing la GUERRE il a perdu et gagné, c'était un jeu à somme nulle.

Un peu de gratte la tête comme les Blazers ont actuellement le plus faible joueur paie dans le BBA à 40.9 M. Ils ont eu beaucoup de salle de bouchon à aller au bout de quelques grands noms d'agents libres de se brancher sur ce qui a l'étoffe d'une solide formation, ou de remplir des analgésiques. Mais en dehors de la Pineda, a échoué à signer n'importe dans un domaine qui en a besoin. Ils ont 3 goujons 2B Aldo, 3B Gonzalez, et P Geestman tous de retour en 2042. Ils ont un couple de jeunes des perspectives dans #41 classé (A) 19yo SS Henri Charriere et (AAA) 21yo P Lance Harrison (classé #49) en attente dans les ailes. Harrison semble le seul à être BBA prêt et pourrait voir un certain temps dans le BBA à un certain point en ce début de saison. Mais est-il suffisant pour obtenir ces 5 à 7 wins supplémentaire?

Le Tangage De L'Examen:

Ils étaient de retour 4 de partants de la dernière saison Geestamn, Lopez, Moran, et Moreno. Avec le départ à la retraite de Trujillo, il se présente comme une opportunité pour Harrison pour obtenir de l'appel. Tout pourrait être une amélioration par rapport à Trujillos 6.69 ÉPOQUE la saison dernière. Ces 4 gars enregistré plus de 170 IP (sauf pour Moran à 116). Cependant, l'Lopez blessure à l'Entraînement de Printemps (encore perdu pour la saison 2042 avec une déchirure de l'UCL), laisse un trou dans leur départ de la rotation. Pour une équipe de milieu de peloton en tangage stats de l'année dernière, sa va être difficile à faire pour cela les enfants méchants knuckleball, et coup-de-courbe. Mais dans les deux dernières saisons qu'il a passé plus de temps sur le IL que ce qu'il a sur le dos d'âne. Ils manquent vraiment de lui? Pourrait le 21yo Tadamichi Ando répondre à l'appel? Il avait l'air bien, dans l'Entraînement de Printemps. Peut Harrison et/ou Ando remplacer de Trujillo

Montréal Moyenne (Moyenne de la Ligue) - rang
  • R/G – 5.6 (5.4) – 10th
  • ERA – 5.34 (5.09) – 10th
  • WHIP – 1.46 (1.46) – 8th
  • OAVG - .278 (.276) – 7th
  • BABIP – .308 (.311) -- 8th
Offensive De L'Examen:

Pas un seul mouvement en FA marché pour la signature de tous les joueurs de toutes les grandes offensives de l'impact ici. Encore une fois, avec tout cela salle de bouchon, une tête-scratcher. Basé sur ce que nous savons de la 2042 positions / gamme semble être à peu près intacte de 2041. Comme nous l'avons mentionné plus tôt, ils ont quelques jeunes étalons de retour dans Aldo 2B et Gonzalez à 3B. L'équipe a été en 2041 dans le milieu du peloton en infraction dans la catégories des Johnson.

Montréal Moyenne (Moyenne de la Ligue) - rang
  • R/G – 5.5 (5.4) – 9th
  • AVG -- .278 (.276) – 9th
  • OBP -- .344 (.346) – 9th
  • OPS -- .819 (.813) – 9th
Avec pas de mouvements significatifs ici, soit je sens les Blazers ne va pas s'améliorer sur leur victoire totale pour 2042, mais retomber un peu. Dans une division avec Rockville et de Louisville, vous devez prendre quelques mesures audacieuses (comme le Boise signature de Alicea) pour obtenir les 5 à 7 victoires.

Je prédis un 81-81 record pour les Blazers en 2042

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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by CTBrewCrew » Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:16 pm

What?! No kudos for doing the entire write-up in French? I will post the English version below ....

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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by CTBrewCrew » Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:20 pm

Finishing at 83-79 falling short of a wild card spot in the Johnson league in 2042 what do the Blazers have to do to complete with the likes of the perennial powerhouses such as Rockville or New Orleans? Add to that 4 teams in the Frontier won over 90 games last season and 2043 looks to be an up-hill battle.

Everything is not doom and gloom as the Blazers did improved 15 games from 2040, and 22 games from their 2039 squad. Things are definitely trending in the right direction for the Blazers heading into the 2042 season.

To start the offseason, the team announced that it was going to once again break ground on a new stadium to replace Le Palais. Things looked bright for and had what they thought all the proper permits pulled and funding allocated, but at the 11th hour things had seemed to have stalled for the time being. I’m sure there will be more to come on that. Here’s hoping it goes through as the architecture renderings looked fantastic.
With the Blazers final 27 not set, this reporters view is taking from the outside looking in. To begin with, it looked to me that the Blazers needed to make some off-season improvements get another 5-7 wins over 2041 total, in order to have a shot at a wild card in the Johnson in 2042. Let’s take a look at their offseason. Perhaps a big-name SP on a short-term deal.

Players Added:
  • Free Agent signing RP – Mario Pineda
    The 28yo signed a 3-year deal averaging about 1.5M a season, there wasn’t much risk in this signing. He had a 2041 WAR of 0.1, and a brings with him a fragile injury rating. Not a huge commitment for a player coming off a torn labrum in 2041, and not the move I would have expected.
Players Lost:
  • Rule 5 - RP – Wang-fen Law
  • Free Agency - 2B – Claudio Defazio
  • Free Agency - RP – Jason Morris
  • Retired - SP – Jose Trujillo
Comparing WAR lost and gained, it was a zero sum.

A bit of a head scratcher as the Blazers currently have the lowest player payroll in the BBA at 40.9M. They had plenty of cap room to go after some big-name free agents to plug in to what has the makings of a solid starting lineup, or fill out some relievers. But outside of Pineda, failed to sign anyone in an area of need. They do have 3 studs in 2B Aldo, 3B Gonzalez, and P Geestman all returning in 2042. They do have a couple of young prospects in 41 ranked 19yo (A) SS Henri Charriere and (AAA) 21yo P Lance Harrison (ranked 49) waiting in the wings. Harrison seems the only one to be BBA ready and might see some time in the BBA at some point in this season. But is he enough to get them those 5-7 additional wins?

Pitching Review:
They were returning 4 of starters from last season Geestamn, Lopez, Moran, and Moreno. With the retirement of Trujillo, this looks like an opportunity for Harrison to get the call. Anything might be an improvement over Trujillos 6.69 ERA last season. All 4 of these guys logged over 170 IP (except for Moran at 116). However, the Lopez injury in Spring Training (lost again for the season 2042 with a torn UCL), leaves a hole in their starting rotation. For a team that was middle of the pack in pitching stats last year its going to be difficult to make up for this kids nasty knuckleball, and knuckle-curve. But in the last two seasons he’s spent more time on the IL than he has on the bump. So will they really miss him? Could the 21yo Tadamichi Ando answer the call? He looked good in Spring Training. Can Harrison and/or Ando replace Trujillo’s & Lopez’s 0.5 combined WAR? If either of these two add at least 1.5 each that’s a good sign.
  • R/G – 5.6 (5.4) – 10th
  • ERA – 5.34 (5.09) – 10th
  • WHIP – 1.46 (1.46) – 8th
  • OAVG - .278 (.276) – 7th
  • BABIP – .308 (.311) -- 8th
Offensive Review:
Not a single move in FA market for signing of any players of any major offensive impact here. Again, with all this cap room, a head-scratcher. Based off what we know the 2042 positions / lineup looks to be pretty much intact from 2041. As we mentioned earlier they have some young studs returning in Aldo at 2B and Gonzalez at 3B. The team was in 2041 in middle of the pack in offense categories in the Johnson.
  • R/G – 5.5 (5.4) – 9th
  • AVG -- .278 (.276) – 9th
  • OBP -- .344 (.346) – 9th
  • OPS -- .819 (.813) – 9th

With no significant moves here either I feel the Blazers will not improve on their win total for 2042, but fall back just a bit. In a division with Rockville and Louisville, you need to make some bold moves (such as the Boise signing of Alicea) to get those extra 5-7 wins.

I predict an 81-81 record for the Blazers in 2042

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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by RonCo » Sun Mar 29, 2020 2:25 am

CTBrewCrew wrote:
Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:16 pm
What?! No kudos for doing the entire write-up in French? I will post the English version below ....
Just got to looking at it!


I don't speak French, but I almost wish you'd have left it there to force me to translate it. :)
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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by HoosierVic » Sun Mar 29, 2020 5:44 am


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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by 7teen » Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:30 am

I thought my web browser was messed up!

Kudos none the less. Not that I know whether you used correct spelling or grammar.. haha
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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by GoldenOne » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:14 am

I hadnt used my limited french in quite a few years. Gave it a shot though. Helps when you have an idea of what the person is talking about to begin with. Should have left it for a while before posting the English version though - would have been fun!
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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by CTBrewCrew » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:35 am

GoldenOne wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:14 am
I hadnt used my limited french in quite a few years. Gave it a shot though. Helps when you have an idea of what the person is talking about to begin with. Should have left it for a while before posting the English version though - would have been fun!
I didn't I'd get credit for it, if I left in French only ;)

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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by RonCo » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:51 am

We are well known for our draconian pinching of points!
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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by Jwalk100 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:05 pm

Do we get a plate of poutine with a correct translation?

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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by drummerJ99 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:24 pm

Nice write up, eh. And I will admit I panicked on the free agency. LOL I was planning on spending a bunch of money but being my 2nd season, I didn't want to kill myself with huge financial contracts when I didn't feel we were one or two players away. Plus I took over right about this time last year, so wanted to give myself some time to get a real feel for the team. Montreal is probably one of the youngest teams in the league. And since we aren't a player or two away, is it worth possibly stunting a players growth by signing a free agent to put in front of them or just roll with young guys we have now and see what they can do? In the end, I went with the 2nd option.
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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by usnspecialist » Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:27 pm

drummerJ99 wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:24 pm
Nice write up, eh. And I will admit I panicked on the free agency. LOL I was planning on spending a bunch of money but being my 2nd season, I didn't want to kill myself with huge financial contracts when I didn't feel we were one or two players away. Plus I took over right about this time last year, so wanted to give myself some time to get a real feel for the team. Montreal is probably one of the youngest teams in the league. And since we aren't a player or two away, is it worth possibly stunting a players growth by signing a free agent to put in front of them or just roll with young guys we have now and see what they can do? In the end, I went with the 2nd option.
you rarely make a mistake NOT spending in FA (especially on long-term deals). If there is any hesitation the right move is to do nothing.
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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by drummerJ99 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:33 pm

usnspecialist wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:27 pm

you rarely make a mistake NOT spending in FA (especially on long-term deals). If there is any hesitation the right move is to do nothing.
I also put way too much stock in the overall/potential. And not so much the actual ratings. & stats. It's a problem I've noticed I've seem to have brought over from my MLB The Show days, where I based everything off overall.
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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by CTBrewCrew » Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:39 pm

They “potentially” have the capacity to take your “overall” cap 😋. I tried to sign some big name fa P - but they wanted way more than i was willing to spend. Don't want something so bad your willing to eat sh*t over it

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Re: The 2042 Montreal Blazers

Post by johnd2442 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:25 pm

drummerJ99 wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:24 pm
Nice write up, eh. And I will admit I panicked on the free agency. LOL I was planning on spending a bunch of money but being my 2nd season, I didn't want to kill myself with huge financial contracts when I didn't feel we were one or two players away. Plus I took over right about this time last year, so wanted to give myself some time to get a real feel for the team. Montreal is probably one of the youngest teams in the league. And since we aren't a player or two away, is it worth possibly stunting a players growth by signing a free agent to put in front of them or just roll with young guys we have now and see what they can do? In the end, I went with the 2nd option.
This makes me feel better because I can already anticipate that I may be cautious next offseason in my first time going through free agency, even if I am down in the UMEBA.
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