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Is Veteran Reliever Staying or Retiring?

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Coy With FansOctober 27, 2061 | Forever Land | No one seems sure of what it means, but word is that 37-year-old veteran Micheal Dixon is working with a real estate agent to find a short-term rental somewhere in the Marshall Islands. Dicon joined the team late in the year, and pitched effectively. Both the fans and his teammates loved him.
"It was a fun stint. We'll see what happens next year," the oft-travelled pitcher said.
Bikini was Dixon's 5th team in the past three seasons after having become a free agent from Rocky Mountain, signing with Yellow Springs, traded to Austin, the signed and released by Sacramento. Dixon spoke about that trail a few days ago. "I felt kind of like a ping-pong ball, to be honest. I got tired of it pretty quick and I'm not getting any younger. So I'm assessing things." With today's news folks are wondering if he's come to any conclusions. Dixon, though, has been mum on the topic. "Just looking round," he told Forever Land Broadcasting Network's Misty Morgan. "The Atoll is a cool place now that Westmoreland sunk a trillion bucks into it, isn't it?"

Veteran Playing
Coy With Fans
"It was a fun stint. We'll see what happens next year," the oft-travelled pitcher said.
Bikini was Dixon's 5th team in the past three seasons after having become a free agent from Rocky Mountain, signing with Yellow Springs, traded to Austin, the signed and released by Sacramento. Dixon spoke about that trail a few days ago. "I felt kind of like a ping-pong ball, to be honest. I got tired of it pretty quick and I'm not getting any younger. So I'm assessing things." With today's news folks are wondering if he's come to any conclusions. Dixon, though, has been mum on the topic. "Just looking round," he told Forever Land Broadcasting Network's Misty Morgan. "The Atoll is a cool place now that Westmoreland sunk a trillion bucks into it, isn't it?"