2056.05 - Gerte on the line....

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2056.05 - Gerte on the line....

Post by CTBrewCrew » Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:24 pm

Well, howdy there, my fellow Madison Wolves devotees!

This fancy contraption they call the "internet" might be a mite befuddling for an old gal like me, but by gum, I'm fixin' to share my ruminations on our Madisons Wolves of 2056. Now, I ain't one to squawk, but this year's been a tad peculiar – not a single new recruit signed in free agency, and just one playoff appearance in the past decade. It's like tryin' to corral a herd of wild stallions!

Let's mosey on over to them hitters, shall we? Ziad Abdul-Samad, that righty hitter, he's been slingin' that bat like a seasoned cowpoke. I remember a time when a feller named Hank Williams used to croon on the radio, and Ziad's hits bring back them good ol' memories. Manobu Shimizu, bless his heart, he's my pick of the litter, knockin' them balls around like a true gunslinger. Reminds me of the time I saw a young whippersnapper hit a home run clear out of the ballpark, back when folks called it "beyond the pale." Oh, if only I could dance a jig like I did that day!

But let's not forget our infield trailblazers. Carl Clements, that southpaw first baseman, he's got the spirit of old John Wayne, tough as leather but as dependable as sunrise. And José Hernández, that righty with a bat like thunder, he's got a swing that'd make Roy Rogers proud. These players, they ain't just names on the roster; they're like the cowpokes who tamed the wild West, one hit at a time.

Now, wrangling pitchers is a whole different kettle of fish. Josh Clark's been tossin' that rock with a steady hand, like a rancher guiding his cattle through a storm. Buwono Mainaky, that righty, he's been showin' grit on the mound, like a lone cowboy braving the open range. And that Gilberto Cordero, bless his soul, he's been closin' out games smoother than a Sunday carriage ride. It's like that gal in that movie once said, "Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Boy howdy, ain't that the truth? It's the ebb and flow of the game, like the changing seasons out yonder.

Our historical record, well, it's got more twists and turns than an ol' dirt road. Playoffs have graced us a few times, though I reckon we're due for a spell of good fortune. You know, it's a bit like when we used to square dance down at the barn, never knowin' who your partner might be but enjoyin' the steps all the same. And that payroll, well, it's got its own story to tell – reminds me of the time I haggled for a good deal on a jug of moonshine down at the county fair. You learn to make do with what you got, just like them players on the field.

So, my fellow old-timers, let's gather 'round this digital campfire and rally behind our Madison Wolves. Time might have changed since the days of dusty ballfields, but the heart of a true fan beats strong, like a trusty old pocket watch that's seen more sunsets than you can shake a stick at. We may be tappin' away on these newfangled gadgets, but the spirit of the game, the camaraderie, and the thrill of the win – well, that's a tale as old as the hills.

Yours in vintage devotion,

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Re: 2056.05 - Gerte on the line....

Post by Dington » Mon Aug 28, 2023 5:20 pm

There’s my girl!
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Re: 2056.05 - Gerte on the line....

Post by RonCo » Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:50 pm

I like Gertie.
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