Brooklyn State of Mind: Cantrell Deserves Some Voting Love (2052.6)

GM: Ben Heuring

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Brooklyn State of Mind: Cantrell Deserves Some Voting Love (2052.6)

Post by lordtoffee » Tue Nov 08, 2022 6:03 pm

The Robins aren't going to win many awards this year, and that makes sense on a lot of levels. Bad teams don't get a lot of love, and there are plenty of other players who will get votes for being a key part of the pennant races, or even playoff performances if you think that is a key indicator. The Robins front office understands that while the rebuild happens, there is going to be a slow climb. But despite the revolving door of injuries and bad play that seems to surround Brooklyn like a dark cloud, one player stood out.

Arnold Cantrell slid into the closer's role after the injuries started in the middle of the season, and was the representative of the Robins organization at the BBA All Star Game this summer. He didn't get dealt and ended up saving 27 games and winning 6 of them. If you do the math, that is a key part of 33 Robins wins, which considering that the Robins won only 59 on the year is a percentage of over half of the wins involved Cantrell as the pitcher of record in some way, shape or form. Not bad for a closer who was probably a luxury item, and that percentage is is about the same or higher than other pitchers who you might be considering for awards. Keep that in mind when voting.
Chief Baseball Officer- Brooklyn Robins

The Rebuilding Will Continue Until the Robins improve.

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