Brooklyn State of Mind: How Did Emilio Do? (2051.6)

GM: Ben Heuring

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Brooklyn State of Mind: How Did Emilio Do? (2051.6)

Post by lordtoffee » Mon Aug 08, 2022 11:12 pm

Emilio Morales Jr. was the top pick of the Robins in 2051, and the third baseman was sent to Lexington at the Rookie ball level to begin his professional career. We all know that the transition to professional ball can be difficult, especially considering that it takes some time to adjust from the difference from metal to wooden bats that is a variable that every BBA front office has to consider to some extent. And Morales has to deal with the constant questions about when he is going to save the Robins. Much like Bryce Harper, there is a lot of pressure on the kid just out of high school to save a team that has fallen on hard times and make them relevant again. And to make matters worse, his team is in the biggest BBA media market that is home to a single team. No, we don't count the Gamblers as New York's team. They are across the water like the New Jersey Giants and New Jersey Jets.

Morales had a pretty good year according to leaked memos from the Robins front office. The third basemen didn't flash the power numbers that the team was expecting, but that's to be expected. What was encouraging according to these documents was that Morales had good numbers in those higher leverage at bats later in the game. That is something that you can't teach. The Robins plan to encourage Morales to settle in at A ball and get some at bats in spring training to help him adjust to pro pitchers. The initial plan is to get him up through the system so that he can get to the big leagues as soon as possible and at the right time.
Chief Baseball Officer- Brooklyn Robins

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