Brooklyn State of Mind: Robins Make First Round Selection (2050.3)

GM: Ben Heuring

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Brooklyn State of Mind: Robins Make First Round Selection (2050.3)

Post by lordtoffee » Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:47 pm

Normally, we here in Brooklyn leave any analysis to those who watch the drat more closely than us. But with the Robins continuing to start the rebuild by waiting out some bad contracts and getting ready to hang the popular "We Had A Winning First Sim" banner, you might as well take a look at who the Robins had drafted earlier this week. We also caught up with Ben Heuring at an undisclosed location. So what did the President of Baseball Ops have to say about the pick?

"So, I was going off the assumption that the River Monsters were going to pick Bouton. If Bouton had fell to us, then I was going to pull the trigger on him. But that being said, getting to pick Lowell Cook is going to work out. Pitching is a need of ours, and the numbers tell the story why. The plan is to get Cook signed and into the system, and then I will rely on reports from the scouting team and our minor league managers as to the next steps. I don't believe in having a scripted plan. I mean, at the 2022 Oscars there was a scripted plan, and they didn't expect Will Smith to do what he did. I'm not concerned about his injury, as his numbers were fine and the medical advice I got was not to worry about it. So to all of the Robins fans and those that have loyally supported our farm teams, you have something to look forward to. And if you want to buy any Robins gear or minor league gear, then go to one of our stores or order online."
Chief Baseball Officer- Brooklyn Robins

The Rebuilding Will Continue Until the Robins improve.

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Re: Brooklyn State of Mind: Robins Make First Round Selection

Post by ae37jr » Thu Mar 31, 2022 7:54 pm

Cook bumped a bit between when I made my decision and the draft finally got started. I almost changed my mind. I feel like he is a lot more reliable of a prospect. Who really knows what Bouton will become.

Just a heads up though. Bouton will most likely be available next year. With a deadball period looming and two big time bats projected to come out next year, We're likely to let him go to college for a year and reevaluate next June.
Alan Ehlers
GM of the Twin Cities River Monster

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