Real name: Jessie Ramirez
Applying for: New Applicant
Reason for applying:
First/Last Name: Jessie RamirezI have have really enjoyed OOTP since version 21, and I am pumped about the new features of version 25! I usually do fantasy leagues. Being in a fantasy league online sounded like the next best thing. I am not in other online leagues, so you got my full attention
City/State/Country: Memphis, Tennessee
Email Address:
OOTP Forums Username: slingblade
Desired Forum Username: JRamirez
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) for in-game purposes: 12/11/97
Occupation: investment manager
Other OOTP Leagues (with links): none
Have you read the BBA Constitution and agree to abide by its rules?: yes and yes
Do you own the current version of OOTP, and plan to buy all future versions?: I have version 25
Do you understand the Participation Point System, and agree to be a regular contributor to our community?: yes/yes
What interests you about the BBA?: looks' like an incredible league that's been around a long time and amazing GM's
Describe your GM style: draft and develop
Have you ever answered to the alias "Al Hoot"? (a little BBA inside joke!): what?
Tell us more about yourself: kind of a dork, former investment manager for Edward Jones, now freelance, wannabee triathelete
How did you hear about the BBA?: checked the OOTP forum for online leagues and this one sounded the best