Morning Wood - 59.13 - Wullenweber and Marroquin Added to Rotation

GM: Chris Wilson

Moderator: 7teen

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Morning Wood - 59.13 - Wullenweber and Marroquin Added to Rotation

Post by 7teen » Sat May 04, 2024 7:38 am


"You won't be able to criticize us for a lack of trying" Chris Wilson began yesterday's press conference. He said this in the media room with Alaric Wullenweber sitting to his left and Juan Marroquin to his right. "Last season we were down near the bottom of the Frick League in both runs scored and runs allowed. This off-season, we've made every effort possible to make sure we at least improve. And" with hands raised and looking to his right and left, "I think we've improved."

Alaric Wullenweber needs no introduction. The Six-Time Nebraska Award winner has already built a Hall of Fame resume. The 257 game winner and 109 career WAR pitcher has been on the league's best. Not just in the present, but all-time. Sure, there are murmurs that the 38 year old's better days are behind him. I doubt few will dispute that. Sure, he went 10-12 overall last year in Phoenix to post his first ever losing record. But the veteran arm still posted a 3.7 WAR last season. That would have been Portland's best overall WAR. Not just on the staff, but on the entire team.

And then there is Juan Marroquin. Another aging veteran at 35 years old. Sure, he's likely heading down hill more than up hill in ability. But he had a 10-9 record and a sub 4 ERA while splitting starts with Jacksonville and Charlotte a season ago. His 3.2 WAR would have been the team's second best last season behind, well, Alaric's had we had him. We did have a starter post a 3.1 WAR and he's now off in greener pastures somewhere.

"I'm excited to be here" added Wullenweber during the press conference. "I've spent a good bulk of my career pitching in the Frick League Pacific division. I've played for a lot of teams around the league, but the Pacific feels like home. I've had a lot of success pitching in Portland" the room laughs as Wullenweber pats Wilson on the back, "and I'm looking forward to having more success this year in Portland."

"I spent a few years in Long Beach" added Marroquin, "but not as much time as Wullenweber has here in this division. It's a tough division. Perhaps the toughest division in the league. Hopefully the moves this organization has made this winter will put Portland back into the mix."

There are still many around the league that feel Portland has made blunders with its off-season moves and these are just band aides trying to stop the gushing blood. Aging and injury prone players don't fix an organization that has failed to win more than 68 games in a season over the last 4 seasons. If injuries occur or abilities falter, then the team could be in a financial mess that could take years to overcome.

But perhaps assistant GM Sandy Mounds, who closed the press conference, summarized it best. "Is this team better than it was last year? Does this team have exciting young players and big name veterans you'd love to see and want to see in a Lumberjacks uniform? When looking at this roster, does it peak your interest to the point you think 'well, this could be interesting to watch and see how it turns out? If your answer is Yes to all of those questions, then I recommend you getting your asses down to the ballpark this summer and let's have some fun!"
Chris Wilson

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