2037.3 Bul-pen

Contracted after 2043 season
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2037.3 Bul-pen

Post by ae37jr » Sat Feb 02, 2019 5:40 pm

With Istanbul's season essentially over. The team is trying to get a grasp of what they have and what needs to be done to change the culture. Let's take a look at some of the findings.

Make More Money
This has to be first and foremost on the agenda. Right now every single team in the UMEBA is running at a loss. Teams are selling out the stadiums, but expenses are greater then the profits. We've already beat the curve in raising ticket prices. Currently Istanbul is 1st in Gate Revenue as well as Total Revenue. Though it still isn't as good as it can be. Another ticket hke is expected as we struggle to find the sweet spot.

Cut Spending
This is the flip side of money management. If we are going to be a bad baseball team, we need not pay our players large amounts of money to be bad. Expect Istanbul to be sellers at the deadline if we can find buyers. That may be easier said then done though. As I mentioned, every team is broke and there really aren't many true prospects to be bandied about. From what I remember in the EBA, trades were very hard to come by.

Scout Free Agents
This is the single hardest and most frustrating part about running a foreign franchise. The UMEBA has much less money and prestige then the BBA. Players won't want to play here. To sign a free agent you have to go to each players page, click offer contract and hope they will talk. 95% of the time they won't. With that in mind, it's never too early to develop a short list of players who we might be interested in. Luckily, having the experience, we know some tricks as to what type of player may be interested in playing here. That will take some of the frustration out of it.

Figure Out Core Players
We have some talent here. Michael Starr is the third highest paid player in the league. He also platooned with Holden Blackwell at 3B for my beloved 2027 "worst team ever to win a Landis" Robins. So he'll stick around as long as possible.

Jeffrey Verkade is one of at least 2 players to play in the EBA/BBA/UMEBA. His elite eye makes him a huge asset. I haven't yet figured out any league wide deficiencies And that will actually be a lot harder to do with the new scouting scheme. But I'm pretty sure(judging from scouting my own team) we have a steady mix of flawed pitchers in this league. And by that I mean elite in one area, really poor in others.

So yeah, my two best players are in their mid-30's. Not ideal. One thing that stands out about this team is we have 3 of the top 8 Eye players in the league. I love eye. but so does every other OOTP GM. It's valuable to have but perhaps more valuable to trade. Until then I'm going to emphasis ptiches per plate appearance and try to knock the opposing starters out early. Again, just a hunch, but I suspect every team has a couple of good starters and a nice closer, but the back and of the bullpen is weak sauce.

Kunz Schuck. He's our two way player. You all know I love roster flexibility. You always see 3-4 supersubs on the Brooklyn roster. This is even more important in the UMEBA. We have a 25 man roster and no DH. So my plan is to move everyone down one position in the defensive spectrum, avoid loading up on 1B/DH types, and reserve bench spots for speed and defense players. Schuck adds a lot of value as a two way player. He essentially pushes our roster to 26. I would love to add another two way player or two to the mix as well. Who knows, maybe I find 5 and have a pitching staff who can rake. Hmm, does anyone one know where I can find my buddy Corey Jackson at? He'd be perfect.

That's all the time we have this week. Lot's of other interesting players to learn about in due time.
Alan Ehlers
GM of the Twin Cities River Monster

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