The Commissioner Calls...again; 2029, V3

GM: Alan Ehlers

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The Commissioner Calls...again; 2029, V3

Post by Bumstead » Fri Nov 25, 2016 10:52 am

Jeff Palin is sitting in his office in San Antonio, feet on his desk, chair leaned back, and he is slightly dozing off. <Phone Rings>

JP: Holy Shit, what was that? <As he jerks awake, his leg hits his glass of some sort of amber colored liquid, which is sent flying to the floor where the glass shatters; then the chair flips over backwards and Mr. Palin lands on his back, rolls into the trash can, which topples over and spills all kinds of unidentified leftover food boxes and drink cups all over him>
JP: Son of a...<phone rings again>
JP: Who could be calling at this time of day? <it's 11am...Mr Palin sets his chair back up and furiously wipes some sort of liquid goo off the back of the chair>
<phone rings again>
JP: C'mon, give me a break here. <sits in his chair and feels the back of his shirt soak up whatever was left on his chair>
JP: ugh...nasty...<phone rings again>
JP: Fine...Hello, don't you think it's a little early to be calling?
The Commssioner: It's 11am Palin. By the way, this is the Commissioner.
JP: Oh...sorry Sir...I keep getting these crank...
The Commish: I don't care Palin. Tell someone else your little humorous anecdotes.
JP: Yes Sir. What can I do for you this fine beautiful, super early morning?
The Commish: <sigh> I don't know why I waste my time with you Palin. I should just talk to Riddler...
The Commish: Anyway, what did you do to Wilson in Madison?
JP: Nothing that I know of. He seems to be having some sort of difficulty dealing with reality Sir.
The Commish: Sure he does... Look, fix it; whatever it was that you did, fix it. And soon, like today. Clear?
JP: Yes Sir, I will talk to him and straighten things out. For sure.
The Commish: Oh yeah. Another item for you. Things have changed. You are no longer the GM of the San Antonio Missions.
JP: What? I just got here. I've been combing through Huntsville's roster to see who I am going to draft...from his team.
The Commish: That's neither here nor there. You will now assume the role of GM of the Twin Cities River Monsters.
JP: In Minneapolis? Is this a MBBA team? An Expansion team?
The Commish: Yes to all of them. I need you there by the end of the week. The owner is holding a meeting regarding his Expansion Draft strategy. You need to know that before the draft on Sunday.
JP: The draft is this Sunday? Holy crap.
The Commish: Yes. Is that a problem?
JP: Absolutely not.
The Commish: Good. Bye. <click>
JP: Bye? <stares at the phone>

JP: <yelling from his office> Damnit Riddler! Get in here! We had a meeting scheduled for 11am. Where the hell have you been?

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Re: The Commissioner Calls...again; 2029, V3

Post by trmmilwwi » Fri Nov 25, 2016 11:25 pm

Palin probably doesn't know if the stadium is in St Paul or Minneapolis.
trmmilwwi - GM San Antonio Outlaws
MBWBA Manager of the Year FL 2010, JL 2016, JL 2018

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Re: The Commissioner Calls...again; 2029, V3

Post by Bumstead » Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:23 am

trmmilwwi wrote:Palin probably doesn't know if the stadium is in St Paul or Minneapolis.
I guarantee he has no idea!

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