Warehouse Wire 2035.09: Escobedo optioned

GM: David Burcicki

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Warehouse Wire 2035.09: Escobedo optioned

Post by bcslouck » Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:25 am

Lefty Claudio Escobedo has spent the Spring getting back into the swing of things after missing 13 months with a torn flexor muscle. Team decided to not put him in any games, opting to keep him in simulated games, limiting his pitches. While the team feels he is about ready, they have opted to send him down to AAA to get some live innings under his belt.

"Escobedo is progressing well," said GM Brandon Slouck. "We are just protecting him. Don't want to push him. He was solid for us back in 2033, so we want him to get back to that. He's going to start at AAA and see how he does. His flexibility was big for us, so getting his arm back on the team will be a boost."

"I was hoping to make the ML team and feel I am ready now," said Escobedo. "I can understand the caution but I think I'm ready. I trust the organization though. They laid out the plan. As long as I throw well, I'll be back soon. I'm chomping at the bit to get back to that big league mound."

Escobedo pitched in 36 games, making 16 starts, back in 2033. His ERA was 4.34, but his FIP was 3.85, suggesting he may of had some back luck. While he will be starting down at AAA, reports from the warehouse seem to indicate he will be in the ML bullpen once recalled, at least to start, unless the team has a major injury in the rotation. He could be another young power arm in the bullpen that has Tim Waller and Norberto Leon to go along with newly acquired Juan Canó. The biggest difference is that he throws from the left side.

The humble Chilean has already signed an extension for 2036 at a rate of $700,000. If he returns to form, that will be a bargain rate, which is what the team needs with some major extensions kicking in starting next season.
Brandon Slouck
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