Archer is Missing the Mark (Hoppy Endings, 2053 Sim 22) [PP:2053.12]

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Archer is Missing the Mark (Hoppy Endings, 2053 Sim 22) [PP:2053.12]

Post by neugey » Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:20 am

Jackrabbits Manager Jonathan Archer is nearing the end of his one-year contract, and according to sources the Edmonton brass will be looking to go in another managerial direction in 2054, especially considering his rumored attendance at a little event over the weekend.

A recent 4-9 skid to end August has pretty much doomed the Jackrabbits goal of reaching .500. This could greatly worry Jackrabbits management, who may be fearing a repeat of the end of 2052 where the team was afflicted with high loss totals in August and September.

And according to our source, there may have been some external distractions that contributed to this recent skid, and Archer himself being caught up in the distractions. "As the summer draws to a close, the Jackrabbits players have a tradition of a summer's end pool party. This year's installment was particularly well-attended, especially by the young ladies."

"In previous years, the players have managed to keep this party on the `down low`. But this year, lips were not sealed as tight. In fact, Jackrabbits manager Archer himself showed up and joined the players for a good time. Archer seems to have a little bit of Urban Meyer in him it seems. But all in all, this party was crazy and maybe went a little too far. There was a big bachelorette party that somehow rolled into the pool party and a few lines may have been crossed."

Still buzzing from the pool-side wine, an anonymous Jackrabbits player gave his depiction of the wild Saturday night party.

"The party was absolutely lit. God I don't know how where all these thots come from. Never would have guessed Edmonton had so many. I guess life has it's surprises. But bro, I've got some pictures from the party. Let me show you!"

2051 London Monarchs (GBC)
2051-present Edmonton Jackrabbits (BBA)

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