Dug Does Charming Preview - 2038

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Dug Does Charming Preview - 2038

Post by Bumstead » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:14 pm

Mr. Palin sees Dug walk by his office:

JP: Hey Riddler!
Dug: What?
JP: Excuse me Dug?
Dug: Sorry Mr. Palin. What can I do you for?
JP: You haven't got that kind of money Dug. I need you to scout Charming for me.
Dug: Why? They suck. Am I done now?
JP: No. Pretend you are an actual scout and do the job right. I want to see if we are least better than they are currently.
Dug: Fine. <Dug grabs a piece of paper, writes something on it and hands it to Mr. Palin>
JP: <reading aloud> The Charm City Jimmies suck. Signed Dug Riddler, Scouting Marvel
JP: Funny Dug. If I have to get out of this chair, I will throw you from this shithole on the fly into Charm City. How would you prefer to travel?
Dug: I will fly. Thank you for the opportunity...

Here's Dug's Report post corrective actions:

So, Charm City only lost 101 games in 2038 after somehow losing 106 games in 2037...Let's see how bad they are going to be in 2039:

I think it is worth noting that Charm City has a lenient owner, which seems to be badly needed.

Let's look at the lineup:

C: Quinton Lara is the future at this position but while he may end up on the fast track to the majors, this probably isn't that season being that he is 19 and hasn't played above A-ball. I would guess that CCJ will go with a 2-headed monster of: Bartolo Costa and Peadar Mclihome. I would guess that Bartolo Costa will play a bit more often as he isn't much different as a hitter and he works better with the pitchers.

1B: Joaquin Hebner appears to be the front runner for the job here. The youngster has a chance to be a real punch and judy hitting 1B. He actually looks like a formidable Hal Morris, hopefully with a longer career and better consistency.

2B: Who knows? I mean CCJ has 2 young guys that could play the position alright but both would be making a pretty large jump to the BBA: David Guerra (AA last year, poorly) and Mario Rodriguez (A ball last year, mediocre). Neither are hitting in spring training. I kinda wonder why Chris Workman wasn't asked to play 2B this spring as a stop gap (with a walker) for just this season. It's worth noting that Nikita Schipper (a dude name Nikita...ok) is another option in the MI that hasn't played above AA and hasn't shown the ability to hit.

3B: Carlton Winson seems to be the man at 3B. He goes to the plate thinking the game is called HR Derby, so it is all or nothing with him in most cases. He tends to make the play on anything where he doesn't have to move and has a gun for an arm.

SS: Jay-hoon Ch'oe is a terrible hitter but an exceptional fielder. He seems like the obvious choice here.

LF/RF: :eek: Well, Boise is looking better all the time....there's a bunch of guys here that can catch a baseball but not really hit one. So Adam Parrish, Joao Silva, Julio Torror and Terence Whooly will battle over the 2 spots.

CF: Carlos Garcia is an exceptional fielder and marginal hitter and if CCJ had another CF, like say Herve Billy, then Garcia could play 2B and stop the bleeding a bit in the infield.

DH: hahaaha I suppose Wendel Clark and Joaquin Hebner will battle over 1B/DH and the #3 slot in the batting order.

Let's move onto the pitching and hope for the best!


#1 - Luis Soto - 7/5/8...uhm...well, he was a RP last season for ATC (not a good RP). He threw 200 innings 10 years ago, but he has won 164 games and made the all star team that one time....and he's a hard worker and should be a good influence the youngsters. I just hope the youngsters don't get whiplash watching the ball fly out of the park when he throw a fastball at the same speed as his changeup...

#2 - Bengt de Meza - 8/7/4....raise your hand if you think he will throw strikes this year. Ok...give that guy a breathalyzer...He's an "iron man" so he will be around whether you want him to be or not.

#3 - Thiongo Muiru - 5/7/8- Let's Talk About Sex Baby....oh, sorry...got carried away. This is the guy we've been waiting for. This guy is already the best pitcher/player on the team with a real chance to be a very solid SP in the not too distant future. He still has some projection at 21 years of age and his 6'3" 180 lb frame to add to his swing and miss ability. I guess the question is whether CCJ wants him to develop at the BBA level or if they want to add to his controllable time with the team.

#4/5/and so on - David Marquez, Takanori Goto, and Clifford Bell are all young SP's with some reasonable potential. I would guess Bell is the odd man out if the decision is based on the pitchers most ready to contribute positively vs controllable years.

The relief pitchers are a bit thin in number of quality guys and this is a pen that will be relied upon heavily. I just hate writing about RP's unless they are actually good, so I'm gonna not write about these guys, but there are a couple of solid potential guys here.

Overall, this looks like a continued work in progress and while I want to project less than 100 losses, I don't feel comfortable doing that, do you? I predict a similar season in relation to the last couple of seasons. One thing I do hope is that Boise gets to play CCJ quite frequently as I feel we could at least post a .500 record vs CCJ.

JP: Jesus Dug. That was harsh. BC is one of my more...well, he doesn't hate me.
Dug: You go scout that team and get back to me...

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Re: Dug Does Charming Preview - 2038

Post by bcslouck » Tue Mar 19, 2019 12:42 pm

Brandon Slouck
Rocky Mountain Oysters (2058 - present)
Cairo Pharaohs (2057)
Charm City Jimmies (2029 - 2049)
Paris Patriots (2028)

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