Crawdad Chronicles 53.03 - New Orleans Releases Christan Garcia

GM: Jim Roberts

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Crawdad Chronicles 53.03 - New Orleans Releases Christan Garcia

Post by JimBob2232 » Sun Feb 05, 2023 6:47 am

Its an end of an era in New Orleans.

Christian Garcia was acquired in a blockbuster 2037 with New Mexico. And although he never hit the ceiling many projected for him, he has had a solid - even specatular at times - career in New Orleans.

He is just 33 years old, and only 2 years removed from a Nebraska (and Landis) title. Has made 5 ASGs - and a couple Yogi's to boot. His 146-70 record is solid.

Its the salary and injuries that are holding him back. In 2053 he pitched in only 3 games befor going out with shoulder inflamation that kept him out the remainder of the season. In 2052 it was a litany of issues (elbow inflammation, shoulder strain, oblique strain, calf strain).

He won the landis and nebraska in 2051 - so it feels unfair to say he never recovered from the Torn Labrum he suffered in 2049 - but his injuries just kept racking up.

New Orleans has too many holes to fill - and cannot justify paying 13.6M for someone to sit on the DL.

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