What about Stan Moten? Will be he traded? (2054.5)

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What about Stan Moten? Will be he traded? (2054.5)

Post by niles08 » Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:36 am

With Omaha acquiring Brickell and retaining Zalapa, many are wondering what the plan is for Stan Moten. The 24-year-old third baseman managed a 112 OPS+ in his first major full major league season, which calculated to a 2.0 WAR.

Now it seems he has nowhere to play?

It is worth pointing out that he has the ability to play left field, but the Omaha outfield is jam packed with Du Wu, Orlando Ordonez, Andre Ly, Eric Wagner, and Amid Kasim to begin with, so it doesn’t seem that Moten is a great fit for the outfield. Adding a 6th person to a typical 3-person outfield seems to be a bit of a stretch. It becomes even harder when you realize that last year Du Wu, Ordonez, and Andre Ly combined for an even 100 home runs, 240 rbi's, and almost 12 WAR despite Ly missing a chunk of time( he only had 305 at bats in 2053)
“To be honest, I think it’s a good problem to have. We’ll likely get him some work at second base as well. Right now he appears to be our utility guy to back up Zalapa, Brickell and will likely get some at bats against lefties at first base to spell Estrada. We’ve talked to Stan, he is in good spirits and has quickly caught on with our fans.” Said Omaha GM Justin Niles.
Moten’s bat is good enough to be in a lineup every day, which is where he is expecting to play. Is it possible that the team he plays for in 2054 doesn’t reside in Omaha?

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