Reason for Optimism in Omaha, Part 3, an active off-season.(2051.8)

GM: Kevin Spencer

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Reason for Optimism in Omaha, Part 3, an active off-season.(2051.8)

Post by niles08 » Thu May 26, 2022 1:45 pm

This is a 4 part series this off-season, where we look at reasons the Omaha fan base should be optimistic heading into the 2051 season.
We look at reason number 3, the team’s active off-season.
For part 1 visit: Part 1, Starting Rotation.
For part 2 visit: Part 2, The returning core.
In the past 2 chapters of this writing, we have covered basic reasons for optimism that maybe some question. If the rotation is so good that is coming back, then why was it so bad last year? If the “returning core” was so good last year, why did the team win only 70 games?

Well, for those that are interested in the new stuff instead of just the same old story, this is the place for you. The #3 reason to be optimistic if you are Cyclones fan is that despite being up against the cap most of last season, the team has been pretty active since they were eliminated from post-season play.

They signed enough minor league contracts to basically fill an organization, handing out over $6M to three of those signings. That $6M doesn’t count against the cap however, as they were minor league deals with signing bonuses, very similar to those you would see after an amateur draft.

As for major league deals,

the obvious big signing is Juan Medrano who will immediately take over at shortstop, the spot where the team has been troubled for some time. Medrano likely isn’t going to produce 3 WAR moving forward as he did in his younger years, but the team likely would be happy if he produced the same as last year, which was just 1.2 WAR. This would be a big step forward from the negative 1 WAR that the combination of Thomas Jefferson and Robbie Sullivan put together while fielding the position in 2050. That’s a positive 2.2 WAR difference right there.

The team signed Tommy Cochran to mostly play first base against left-handed hitting, signing him to a low risk contract just south of $2,000,000. Expect Cochran to see 150 or so plate appearances this coming season, which in Omaha could allow for 10 home runs and a decent contribution.

Last, but certainly not least, the team just announced that Elliot Woodger will join the team from Baghdad, likely joining the starting rotation from the get go. Woodger signed a 5-year contract worth a potential $34,000,000 just yesterday. While he has been exclusively used as a reliever in his GBC career, it will be interesting to watch his contribution moving forward in the rotation.

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