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Season To Remember - 2030

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:29 am
by JohnC

It was that and more in 2030 for Jared Gillstrom as it was confirmed today that Gillstrom has won the Triple Crown. Not just in the JL, for the entire league. His numbers are staggering:

Hits: 235
X-Base Hits: 85
HR's: 49
RBI: 151
AVG.: 371
OBP: .421
SLG%: .669
OPS: 1.090
WAR: 12.5

Gillstrom led the league in 11 offensive categories. In addition to that, he also managed a +8.3ZR playing the toughest position on the field. Accomplishments that a veteran player would be proud of. Gillstrom turned just 26 during the season. Could he possibly be just scratching the surface? Could he get better? It's highly unlikely that he could ever put together another season like this one. I am not sure if there has ever been a clean sweep of 1st place votes for the Silk, but if it doesn't happen this year then....?

Not your prototypical shortstop at 6ft 6", and 240lbs, there have been some internal talks of the Blazers desire to move him to 3B next season. A move that would be designed to prolong his career and possibly keep him on the field for more games during the season. It's a move that would benefit the team, and the player going forward.

Gillstrom's personal life has been front page news in Montreal for the legit papers, bloggers, and tabloid's alike. Gillstrom is currently dating Montreal native, professional tennis player, and recent Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Genie Bouchard. That in itself should get Gillstrom the Silk alone. The two have been spotted around town on off days enjoying the city and everything it has to offer.

When you cast your 2030 ballot for the Silk, please remember a couple of things. He won the triple crown, and he is dating Genie Bouchard.

Re: Season To Remember - 2030

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:54 am
by allenr
LOL @ his dating life. Good show.

Re: Season To Remember - 2030

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:00 am
by aaronweiner
He ain't gonna get to Cricket Puckett levels, but if his prime is anything like this he has an outside shot at Rafael Rodriguez. If a safe fell on him tomorrow he'd make the Hall for me.

He's only one of three players in modern history to win a Triple Crown for hitting. Curiously, two have been shortstops.

Re: Season To Remember - 2030

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:19 pm
by felipe
good's 2030...Genie Bouchard is a crusty old cougar of thirty-six years old...

Re: Season To Remember - 2030

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:22 pm
by Lane
felipe wrote:good's 2030...Genie Bouchard is a crusty old cougar of thirty-six years old...
I was gonna make a comment along these lines, but then I realized that 2030 is only 13 years away. And Genie is only 23 right now, so :shrug:

Re: Season To Remember - 2030

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:54 pm
by JohnC
hahaha...I wasn't looking at it that way..maybe he likes cougar's? Don't judge!

Re: Season To Remember - 2030

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:00 pm
by Lane
JohnC wrote:hahaha...I wasn't looking at it that way..maybe he likes cougar's? Don't judge!
it's only a 10 year difference! and I bet she's still damn fine at 36