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Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 10:52 pm
by bschr682
GM: " Well that went pretty damn well didn't it? Finished off the 4 game set with the Bears with a win taking 3 of 4 from them, sweeping the Tropics in 3 games and then starting off the Sacramento series with back to back wins. We avoided any major injuries as well. Questions? Concerns? Comments? "

Charron: " The offense seemed to respond to your criticism of them last week. 14 more homeruns over the 6 games this week which lands the team first in the entire league now instead of just the Frick. Cesar Feliciana and Andrew Wright both are officially on fire right now. "

GM: " Right you are Guy. Couldn't be more pleased with offense as a whole really. Don Hattie and Carlos Arroyo continue to be a concern but both did show some slight improvement so no moves there yet. "

Charron: " Anastasio Diaz is only a few days away from being back from his torn ACL. What's the plan there? "

GM: " Well Guy I guess that kind of depends. If the team keeps winning, we won't mess with it and will send Diaz out on a rehab assignment. If the team falters and Arroyo in particular is still struggling we might just insert Diaz into that spot in the lineup and see what happens. "

Renfork: " The pitching settled in a bit. Climbed to 3rd in the ever important homeruns allowed statistic. The starting rotation is pitching extremely well right now. "

GM: " I would agree Niles. Phil Cole continues his torrid start and our big free agent signing Mahad Einan is really starting to impress. Thats a phenomenal 1-2 punch to have. And of course lets not forget Carlos Silva. Continues to just not allow runs. "

Sullivan: " Not that Leroy needs help pointing things out in the minor leagues but how about those kids? Winning records across the entire organization and some real stand out performances. "

GM: " Yes Ms. Sullivan that hadn't gone unnoticed. If those teams can keep up that pace and we can then feed them even more talent from the draft, well lets just say we are quite pleased with how things are going down there. In particular lets give a shoutout to Alfonso Rivera. The scouts are pretty sure he won't make much of impact at the big league level but right now in AA he can do no wrong. He will probably never have another stretch of baseball as good as this so lets enjoy it while it lasts. Alright thats enough gloating for one day. It'd be pretty crazy to think we will win another 6 games this coming week but stranger things have happened I suppose. "