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Game of De-Thrones 2058.23

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:02 pm
by Jwalk100
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Anton Vogts disconnected the cube call. He was excited as he thought of his plans. Then he thought, “Did I order too much? How much will do the job? What if I have leftovers? Where do I store it?”

Then, “Who the hell was the guy on the other line? That didn’t sound like L-Pain.”

Fuck it.

He picked the cube back up and said, “Call Aunt Ida.”

On older woman answered, “Anton, it’s nice to hear from you.”

“Aunt Ida, how are you?”

“Great dear.”

“I have something in the works, and it will avenge my uncle.”

“Good dear. I have missed him so.”

“Bye, Auntie.”

He hung up the cube and nervously paced his office at the ‘Iolani Palace. He began to scheme and began asking questions out loud, “How to get the water into his bourbon? Do I get the cleaning crew to help? Do I, do it? Who was the guy on the line?”

Down the hall in the offices of the Tropics at ‘Iolani Palace, GM Jim Walker and his AI assistant were watching Anton in his office via closed circuit. “This clown IS trying to take me out!”, growled Walker.

“Yes.”, replied his assistant, “This was the 5th call I intercepted that he placed or received from that number. The number is matched to a Mad Popes stooge nicknamed, L-Pain.”

“I’ve heard of him. Quite the mercenary.”, said Walker then, “Who is the uncle he’s ranting about?”

“I have found that Anton Vogts is not his true name. He was adopted after his young mother was committed to a mental therapy institution. His mother is a dead end.”, answered the assistant. “You shouldn’t have sidelined Harris, Jim.”, she admonished.

“I know that now, but I thought he was the one after me not Anton.”, Walker spit out. “Then he escaped where I ‘stashed’ him and now he’s in the wind.”

She said, “He is in Nashville, Jim.”

“Motherf…”, he trailed off. Then, “Damn, Harris was next to Hoot. My dumbass told them to ’Take him to where Al Hoot is stored. Make sure he is next to that nut.”.

Walker said, “Assie…”, he caught himself. “Cassie, do you think…”, he started but she finished.

“I’m checking now sir.”, she said.

Down the hall, Anton was done pacing. He was exhausted. He laid down on his couch in his office and immediately feel into a deep sleep. He began dreaming about being announced as the next GM of the Hawaii Tropics with his uncle at his side.

Re: Game of De-Thrones 2058.23

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:22 pm
by RonCo

Re: Game of De-Thrones 2058.23

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 7:29 am
by trmmilwwi
This was a hoot! Great stuff!

Re: Game of De-Thrones 2058.23

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 4:11 pm
by CTBrewCrew
Nice shitter 😂