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55.039 – Indicators Say It’s Stone

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:14 pm
by RonCo
Byline: Max Offen Sichtlich
Off Topic

Searching For Platoon Advantage, Sacramento to go “12” Pitchers?

July 28, 2055

News out of the Black Hills of Dakota says that ‘nother guy, hit young Rocky in the eye. Rocky, apparently didn’t like that but couldn’t do much about it because he was too busy reporting that Lee Stone, one of four recently singed veteran free agents, was seen clearing out his locker this morning, leading to speculation that the Sacramento Mad Popes have decided to call him up (along with Curt Lehman and Bob Dempsey) in an apparent quest to load the team up to gain platoon advantages.

No word from the team itself, which was admittedly odd.

While GM Ron Collins seems to have often been under the weather recently, he’s at least sent assistant GM Carlos Camacho to speak for him. No such assignment, so far though.

All we know for certain is that Stone is likely to arrive in Sacramento just in time to play in their game with Louisville this evening, and that the doctor came in, stinking of gin, and proceeded to lie on the gable. Or something like that.

To be honest, we’re never really sure what’s happening in the Black Hills of Dakota.

We think it’s something like Mordor.
POSPlayer NameAgeBTOVRPOTConCon PGapGap PPowPow PEyeEye PAvKAvK P
LFLee Stone31RR55557799886677