2056.02 Nine Announce Several Scapegoat Staff Departures

GM: Rob McMonigal

Moderator: Trebro

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2056.02 Nine Announce Several Scapegoat Staff Departures

Post by Trebro » Sun Aug 13, 2023 5:19 pm

Nine Announce Several Scapegoat Staff Departures

November 5, 2055
by Erwin Wardman, for the Yellow Springs Journal

The housecleaning of the Nine from to bottom started today, with GM Rob McMonigal announcing the firing or release of three staff members, primarily related to pitching. While there were rumors that he might axe even more individuals, up to and including first year manager Jason Ramsey, McMonigal opted to be more lenient.

This reporter is frankly surprised, because with the team mired in a cycle of losing unlikely to change anytime soon, and with fans growing ever-more impatient (attendance is down 1.3 million since McMonigal took over for Collins, including bleeding another 300,000 fans from 2054 to 2055), I fully expected McMonigal to shake up the staff more. This would give him some easy targets to point blame at. But he's either too loyal, too stupid, or worse – thinks they can actually turn things around.

First on the chopping block was Nine pitching coach Chris Norman. The big league's team ERA went from 4.72 to 4.82, 2054- to 2055. While this is not a significant increase, it is hard to name a single pitcher on the Nine who worked extensively with Norman who improved. Possibly Reece Newsome in moving to the bullpen. But otherwise, starters who were able to easily succeed in Indianapolis were ground into paste, with ERAs of 6 or better quite common. He simply had to go. Will Carlos Valle replace him? The living legend and all-time Nine wins leader has been around the big league club frequently in the past few months…

I asked McMonigal about this and he replied with a flat "no comment."

Also let go at the top level was Caspar Burton, the team's first base coach. That's an odd one to replace, especially when he was retained by Ramsey at the start of the season. Base coaches typically aren't seen as essential one way or the other. In fact, I've had more than a few people tell me it's like they were included with no real thought to make them integral to the coding. I have no idea what that means. What I can tell you is that McMonigal, this time, did give me a reason. "We don't have anything personally against Burton, who actually wasn't bad at helping us get good leads at first for extra bases or steal attempts. But I had to look at what else he was bringing to the table. And unfortunately, his specialties were being done better elsewhere. We really hope he picks up with another club soon."

The final firing was Luis Velasquez as Indianapolis pitching coach. I mentioned above that several starters were doing much better in AAA than in the BBA, but they weren't stepping it up to the next level, either. The players appeared to be stagnating. The Downforce had an ERA of 3.64 in 52, 4.17 in 53, 4.38 in 54, and 4.19 in 55. They were doing much better leveling up at AA. While there's nothing wrong per se with status quo, a team as desperate for success as McMonigal's Nine need to jumpstart their coaching. Finding a better coach at AAA will help. Maybe. This is McMonigal we're talking about.

Finally, though not a firing, I'll include it here. Well liked, well-respected, and results-oriented Tarpons hitting coach Jose Alvarado retired. He brought team average from .244 to .271 from 54 to 55, helping to make the Tarpons, once a joke in the Charley Peglar League, push back into a club with a .500 record, the first time since 2050. Just 61, it appears that Alvarado couldn't stand working for McMonigal. Hard to blame him.

"I was ready to spend time with my grandkids and get off the team bus," Alvarado told me, clearly being diplomatic. "After awhile, it's just time."


Unfortunately for the Nine faithful, it looks like McMonigal's time isn't even close to up. For the coaches let go today, it might just be a blessing in disguise.
Rob McMonigal
Yellow Springs Nine Sep 2052 - ????

London Monarchs Aug 2052 - Sep 2052


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