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I Have No Creative Title 96.3 - Smurf Hits #300

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:10 pm
by Afino
Papi Smurf has 11 HR on the young season. On 4/9/96 though, he reached a career milestone with homer #300.

”I would have reached it last year if I didn’t get hurt. It probably cost me a home run title, but I’m happy that I’m healthy again and producing”, commented Smurf.

Smurf has racked up at least 35 HR in each of his last five seasons, averaging 43. He was leading the MBBA in HR at least halfway through the season before his injury troubles, meaning he was basically a lock for 40+. He’s already on his way this season with 11 HR through April, including the milestone.

”I just keep doing my thing. That’s what I’m paid to do and what the coaches expect from me. I feel good about the confidence management has shown to me, and glad they finally took me away from third fucking base this season, because I got tired of playing it….”

At only 31 years old, Smurf hopes to continue climbing the HR ranks.

Re: I Have No Creative Title 96.3 - Smurf Hits #300

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:25 am
by lynchy34
Was this foreshadowing of a good night for another Big Papi?