Brooklyn State of Mind: Robins Add Middle Infielder (2054.5)

GM: Ben Heuring

Moderator: lordtoffee

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Brooklyn State of Mind: Robins Add Middle Infielder (2054.5)

Post by lordtoffee » Fri Feb 17, 2023 10:28 pm

The Robins continued what has been a busy offseason for them by focusing on improving the middle infield. After seeing him with Atlantic rival Atlantic City, the Robins decided that they could use some more pop out of the middle infield, and are pleased to announce that second baseman Pete Brace has joined the Robins, and will be the favorite to start at 2nd base. Pete is going to provide the Robins with some solid fielding ratings, and more importantly some more power. With Brace joining McBride, the goal is to have the Robins offense have more run producers and veteran experience to surround the X Generation and take the pressure off.

Chief Baseball Officer Ben Heuring was excited and clearly at home during the press conference announcing Brace's signing. "Getting Pete is going to be a big help. While I want to reiterate that I don't see a 25-30 win turnaround in 2054, getting a veteran like Pete to come here and give us another bat to improve the lineup and to help mentor the youth movement we have with the X Generation has been a key priority for me and my staff. I'm also proud to report that as of this moment we have sold a total of 5,347 season tickets, and are projected to sell 13,000 season tickets. All in all, our great fanbase has plenty of exciting new faces to look forward to."
Chief Baseball Officer- Brooklyn Robins

The Rebuilding Will Continue Until the Robins improve.

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