Brooklyn State of Mind: One Rare Brightspot (2050.5)

GM: Ben Heuring

Moderator: lordtoffee

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Brooklyn State of Mind: One Rare Brightspot (2050.5)

Post by lordtoffee » Sun May 08, 2022 8:59 pm

So this rebuild obviously is going to have a ways to go, but one person who is going play a part in said rebuild is going to be Mike Leblanc. He ended up getting his major league debut at the end of the year, and played well in a limited sample size. Robins fans can expect to see him fight for a starting role on the team. While he is not going to be the power hitter that the Robins are going to be relying on, scouts have mentioned that they like him as a good #2 hitter in a future lineup.

One thing that team sources indicated was a big reason to bring Leblanc up is to up the ever important Fan Interest metric that the BBA likes to trumpet. With the Robins having to resort to crazy ideas to get people into buying tickets, having popular players and figuring out the right ticket price is something that ownership has been looking at during the BBA postseason. The Robins GM has indicated through sources that lowering ticket prices is going to be step one to getting their house in order, as well as rumors of getting some cash on hand through some mysterious "PP" rewards system that the GM hinted at when he sat in the Vegas suites on the last trip out to the Strip.
Chief Baseball Officer- Brooklyn Robins

The Rebuilding Will Continue Until the Robins improve.

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