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2038.8 Planting the Seeds(Catcher)

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:34 pm
by ae37jr
Trying to assess this mess.

There was a popular TN idea making it's way around the Brewster this spring. It was called "checking the locks". Teams went position by position evaluating their team. Since we think our 2038 team is not very good, and others think we flat out suck. I figure I'd do this series evaluating our minor system as a whole, figuring out if we have (insert position here) of the future type players, trade chips, organizational players or just plain fluff. This will not be done rapid fire. We're going to be rebuilding for at least 5 years. So if it takes that long to get everything done, so be it.

We're going to start behind the plate. Before I get into the nuts and bolts I want to explain a key element in our player development program. For the past couple of years I've been stockpiling the best defensive catchers I can find based on ability. Regardless of hitting skills. We currently have three 10's, seven 9's, two 8's, and four 7's.

The purpose of this is to try to squeeze every advantage we can get in development. Pitchers generally equal about half of your player inventory. We can argue the value of a defensive catcher to a degree, but I think we all agree that it at least holds some importance. So even if we punt one of the 9 offensive positions for the sake of giving our pitching staff a slightly better chance of attaining their peak or exceeding it, then it's worth it. Couple that with the fact the you are really only going to have one, two, maybe three legit catching prospects at any given time and it makes this decision a lot easier.

So what I'm saying is... I'd rather have a 1/1/1/1/1 catcher with 10 ability in the minors then a 5/5/5/5/5 with 4 ability. Neither player is going to make it anyway. At least the defensive player has a chance to make others around him better.

Ok, now on to the evaluations.....

Marcus Forryan (6/4/4/9/7 Talents) 30 R
Ray Carter (3/4/5/6/4 Talents) 29 L
Michael Arroyo (4/6/6/6/4 Talents) 27 S
Carlos Flores (6/6/5/5/6 Talents) 24 R

As I've stated before, I don't plan on tanking or striping my BBA team to bare bones. I'm going to try to find the best players I can while rebuilding. I'm just not going to spend money or resources doing so. After I just preached about catcher defense, it's only fitting that my two BBA catchers suck at it. Well Forryan and Flores are holdovers from the firesale sitting at the curb waiting for some scrapper to come by and take them off my hands. I'd much rather use Carter and Arroyo. Neither of them are elite defenders either. But are at least above average.

Future BBA Players
Mzee Kiango (5/8/6/5/6 Talents) 19 L
Jesus Garcia (6/7/5/5/6 Talents) 18 R

This could be a decent platoon of the future. I like Kiango a lot more then I should maybe. He projects out to 5/9/6/5/7 VS RHP an has 9 catcher ability. Is that really a starter? I dunno. I think if his contact is a high 5, coupled with his receiving skills, he should be fine. I mean we've seen some really light hitting catchers have long careers because of defense. This is why I feel he is undervalued and probably a better overall player then most will see.

Garcia's 6/7/6/5/6 VS LHP with 7 ability makes for a solid short side platoon option. His splits are also good enough that perhaps he could be a starter on a second division team.

While I like these two players, I'm not content with the catchers position. Look for Brooklyn to keep both eyes open whether it's via drafting or trading.

Interesting Players
Wyle Tupin (4/8/4/5/6 Talents) 21 R
Etienne Kop 18 L

Tupin is likely to be brought on to the BBA roster during the lean years. A leader and a solid defender who is not a complete albatross at the plate.

Kop was a rare Robins international free agent pool signing. It was more or less a status move then anything. Brooklyn was millions of dollars in debt and was set out to prove that they still had the resources to do anything big market teams could do. As a player, Kop can handle more positions then an adult film star. 10/7 at catcher, 8/8/7/6 on the dirt, 7/8/7 on the grass. Undoubtedly the most versatile player in the BBA-verse. Unfortunately he can't hit. So his BBA chances are slim and none.

What makes him interesting is that the Robins are going to try to see how many defensive points he can fill up on his bingo card just for shits and giggles. Be forewarned. This includes the P(Pitcher) column. We're committed to giving him a minor league roster spot and regular playing time until he wants to leave, retire, or we yell BINGO!

Carlos Lopez (3/4/3/5/5 Talents) 20 R
Denny Ray (2/4/3/6/3 Talents) 24 R

I don't think I've touched upon captains in this in this series yet. Since my word to participation point ratio is getting terribly inefficient for this article, I'll save it for another day. Just know that we value captains and having age appropriate catchers that check that box is a good thing.

Organizational Filler
Tywat Pare (2/3/4/5/3 Talents) 22 S
Christian Lewis (3/4/4/4/4 Talents) 22 R
Angel Sandoval (4/4/3/3/6 Talents) 22 R
Felix Gutierrez (4/5/4/3/6 Talents) 21 S
Sergio Hernandez (3/5/2/5/4 Talents) 21 R
Jesus Sanchez (3/6/3/5/4 Talents) 20 R
Vincent Snyder (3/6/4/5/4 Talents) 20 R
Carlos Contreras (3/5/3/3/6 Talents) 18 R

These guys don't have a shot. But like I mentioned earlier, they are great defenders. I once mentioned that every player in your organization should serve a purpose. Some of those purposes are obvious, some you have to carve a niche. An excellent defensive catcher in the minors is a great use of an otherwise useless role.

Jose Vega 17 R
Joep van Dalen 19 L
Alberto Gutierrez 18 R
Rafael De La Garza (3/4/4/6/4 Talents) 29 R

I think the first three were all international finds. They will be released when the time is right. De La Garza was depth stop gag who served as a AAA backup a year ago. He's in limbo for now. Probably will be released when lower levels start up We're keeping him now in case we manage to find a taker for one of our BBA catchers.