It's finally here, gone are the meaningless spring training games where you lose star shortstop Geaney Fay for over a month, and in are the times where we get to see three home runs a piece from Isacco Agletti, Matt Garrison and Quinn Greene. The Brisas have started the season 4-3 off the back of a good offense and bullpen, but the worst starting rotation in the league up to this point. The starters will, of course, be given more time to settle in but with almost all of the bullpen settling in well, and having the potential to start games themselves, Brisas fans can still be somewhat comfortable at the minute...
Other notable performances include Irwin Manning converting his first three save opportunities in style with 0 earned runs and 4 strikeouts over the 3 innings. Also, rookie centre fielder Amin Abdul-Halim is settling in well to the GBC despite never playing above A ball. Solid offensive numbers are promising for a guy on the team for his defense, and yeah his +1.9 zone rating after 7 games tells you everything you need to know about the 21-year-old.
After the 3-3 road trip to Athens(1-2) and Sap Paulo(2-1), the Brisas will finish off the home series against Moscow before traveling to London and then immediately home again to play Jerusalem. I look forward to bringing you all that in a few days time...
Light wind - 2059.3 - Opening day...
GM: Steven Luker
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