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Morning Wood - 59.09 - Morley Signs on to Play CF

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:50 pm
by 7teen

After 3 years of playing Pedro Rosales, an above average bat with below average defensive ability patrol centerfield in Portland, the Lumberjacks went out this week and signed the exact opposite. The team inked Bill Morley to a 1 year deal worth $3.5 million. Morley has posted a +101.9 Zone Rating over his career defensively in CF.

"We are pleased with the signing of a guy who can play elite level defense in Centerfield" commented GM Chris Wilson. "The fact Morley is a veteran leader with intelligence can only be an added boost to our young roster. We lose something on the offensive side but perhaps we can get back to our Master Plan days and build a solid defense."

Morley posted a -0.7 WAR last year with Long Beach in just 70 games played with the Surfers. This just one year removed from a 3.1 WAR campaign with Montreal. Despite an elite glove, Morley has only posted a career 7.6 WAR as he enters his 37 year old season.

"We may have overpaid for Morley, but it's just a 1 year deal" added Wilson. "Honestly, when we offered him the deal, he was rated a 50 caliber player and we figured with that glove he was worth spending a little more on at a position of need. He's since dropped down some so now we're left questioning yet again our decisions around here. We do like the fact he's a swith hitter so he can play every day. And we have some flexibility with some younger guys who can spell him at times. Outside of Conley, we think we have some versatile pieces we can shift around in the 3 outfield spots this season."

Wilson is likely referring to Greg Squires who spent time in both the corners and center last year. There are also rumors the team could call up 21 year old Matt Pruitt to be a 4th/5th outfielder this season. Both Squires and Pruitt are former 1st Round picks by the Lumberjacks. Neither have materialized into top level CFs like the organization had hoped they would.