Morning Wood - 59.30 - Wilson Banned, Refuses Anyway

GM: Chris Wilson

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Morning Wood - 59.30 - Wilson Banned, Refuses Anyway

Post by 7teen » Fri May 24, 2024 8:39 am


In an unheard of twist of events, news came down today while the Lumberjacks were in Valencia waiting for game 2 of the series that Portland General Manager Chris Wilson was banned from entering Vancouver Mounties stadium for this weekend's 3 game tilt. Wilson's image has been plastered all throughout "Northwoods Outpost", more affectionately called "The Outhouse" by Portlanders due to aroma of urine it spews out, indicating the Lumberjacks' GM was banned from the premises.

Reports are unclear at the moment, but officials inside the Mounties front office have indicated that Vancouver GM Aaron Wharram is the one behind the banning of GM Wilson from entering the stadium. An undisclosed source indicated that "Wharram has turned into the stadium gate czar and has banned Wilson from entering. It's unclear as to whether he's frustrated over watching his team lose, Ngo blow save after to save, or he just genuinely dislikes the Portland GM who has brought his team from the ashes of despair to one of the top teams in the league. All we know is, Wilson isn't allowed to enter and all hands are on deck to prevent that from happening."

As for whether Wilson can travel with the team, Vancouver officials stated "we have no authority to prevent Wilson from entering Canada or our city, eh. He just won't be allowed to come to the game."

When hearing of the news, Wilson only smirked and stated, "frankly, that's the best news I've heard in quite a while. It typically takes a week to get the smell out of my clothes when I visit the 'Outhouse' anyway." As for whether he'll still fly with the team, Wilson stated, "I've not decided yet. I may go and saddle up at a bar with some of Vancouver's finest. Maybe enjoy watching my boys take care of business in front of some of the locals. Who knows, maybe when I leave there will be more Lumberjacks fans up in the great white north. As long as they don't wear those stupid 'mount-me' hats."

Not everyone is on board with what Wharram is doing. Long-time Mountie and hall of fame pitcher Robbie Sargent spoke out in defense of Wilson. "I'm all about a good rivalry" the 82 year-old Sargent stated. "Wilson has had a dislike for Vancouver for quite some time. It led to some intense and very fun games and series in my day when we'd take on Madison. To ban him from the stadium is just wrong."

As for whether this ban was towards Wilson or all front office personnel, a Mounties spokes person said it only involved Wilson. "We'd love to have Sandy here at the game. With as bad as our team has been this year, we'd like something nice to look at!"

Chris Wilson

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