2059.39 Flight Log Quotes from the GM

GM: Nathan Garrison

Moderator: Krathan

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2059.39 Flight Log Quotes from the GM

Post by Krathan » Sat May 25, 2024 8:57 pm

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In this edition of Flight Log, we talk to Charlotte General Manager Nathan Garrison about the team’s performance so far. Here are some of the most interesting quotes from our conversation.

“The team is definitely underperforming so far. We have guys who are really struggling who we were counting on to be key contributors for us. We really need to see some of that turn around quickly so that we don’t fall too far back. Sure, there’s a lot of time left but we’re flirting with danger right now.”

“Probably the brightest spots so far have been the performances of our youngsters. Natta and Stewart have both been fantastic far. I’d hat to think of where we would be if they weren’t playing as well as they are.”

“I don’t really want to think about the trade deadline yet but like I said earlier…we’re not where we need to be right now. I’m not interested in breaking this team up but we do have holes in our farm system and excellent players at the big league level. If things go too far South, we may have to consider things we don’t want to do.”
Krathan (Nathan)
Cairo Pharaos GM 2055 (2055 GBC Champion)
Charlotte Cougars/Flyers GM Sept. 2055-??? (2058 JL Wildcard)

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