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A Mystery, and a Plan

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:44 pm
by chicoruiz
Up until that day, there had been only five remaining office employees of the London Monarchs baseball team.

Now there were only four.

Prudence the secretary (“office manager” was the term she preferred), Liam the elderly bookkeeper, Nhoj the quiet Pakistani intern, and Alf the custodian stood at the fourteenth floor lift doors. Doors that should have remained closed, but didn’t. If they leaned far enough into the opening, they could see, at the bottom, the remains of their boss the GM of the London Monarchs, but none of them cared to lean in very far or very long.

“I was allus tellin’ him that the lift needed a fix” said Alf. “But he wouldna listen. Look where his miserly ways hae gotten him now”.

“We should speak no ill of the dead, Alf” said Prudence. “I mean, I think we can all agree he was a nasty bit of business, but he’s gone now. If it’s good riddance to bad rubbish, that’s for his Maker to decide”.

“Yes, he’s gone, but so is our livelihood” said Liam. “The team has almost no staff, almost no players, and now no general manager. Once Mr. Talal hears about this, he’ll fold the team, or maybe move it to some back of beyond city. Either way, we’ll all be out on the street on our bums. And I’m too old to find something else.”

After a pause, Nhoj spoke up. “Well…what if Mr. Talal never finds out?”

The other three looked at him in astonishment.

“I mean”, he continued, “he never really did all that much. And he wasn’t all that good at what he did do. Between us, we could do just as good a job as he did…maybe better.”

“I see what you’re driving at” said Prudence. “Liam has all the money under control. Nhoj knows the baseball side of things. And I’m an expert at forging his signature. We’ll sign some coaches and players- nobody too expensive, we don’t want to call attention to ourselves- and then after that, we’ll say that the GM has gone on a long holiday and we don’t know where he is. By the time Mr. Talal replaces him, the team will be solid enough that he won’t be looking to close up shop, and we’ll all still have our jobs.”

“Wha about me”, said Alf. “Wha’s my job in all this???”

The other three glanced at the bottom of the shaft.

“Oh, a’right…but I’ll wager I’ll be needin’ lots o’ rubbish bags and a couple o’ cans o’ that Scrubbin’ Bubbles stuff. He’ll nae be found, I guarantee. The cellar incinerator is plentae hot enow to take care of accidents like this un.”

“If it really was an accident” said Nhoj quietly.

The four of them looked at each other nervously, as if seeing each other for the first time.

Re: A Mystery, and a Plan

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 3:21 pm
by mragland